Suicide shooter? Alleged DRC Soldier crosses into Rwanda, shoots at soldiers

A soldier believed to be from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) armed forces was shot dead yesterday inside Rwanda. He allegedly had his sights on the Rwanda Defence Force guard towers and started to shoot at it after he crossed into the country.

Suicide shooter? Alleged DRC Soldier crosses into Rwanda, shoots at soldiers

According to the Rwandan government, the man crossed the border between Goma and a place in Eastern DRC called the "petite barriere". He then entered Rubavu District at around 1:00 am and started shooting at the guard towers.


Local securities opened fire at him.

In a statement from Rwandan authorities said "he was shot dead by RDF patrol before causing any casualties.”

However, the Congolese government disowned the unidentified man. They insisted that they had not received report of any missing soldier on duty attached to the national forces.


The development comes a few weeks after a new phase of tension between the two countries was sparked off following a military fighter jet attached to DRC army mistakenly landed in Rwanda.

The fighter jet, a Sukhoi-25, is said to have violated Rwandan airspace when it landed at Rubavu Airport.

Rwandan authorities did not take military action in response and shortly after it landed, the jet left the area.

The matter was taken to the Kinshasa authorities who acknowledged the mistake.

The two countries are at a stalemate with DRC and United Nations experts accusing Rwanda of aiding M23 rebels that have caused unrest in the country. Rwanda, for it's part accuses DRC of aiding the Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda (FDLR) rebels that similarly caused unrest in the country.


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