Police officers who were asleep while on duty during raid on AIGP Akullo's home arrested

Two police officers who were on duty during the Saturday morning raid by unknown assailants on the Assistant Inspector General of Police Grace Akullo's house have been arrested.

Grace Akullo

For eleven years, Akullo has served as director of criminal investigations directorate (CID) and recently took over as director of the International Police (Interpol) in Uganda.


The home invaders gained illegal entry into Akullo’s house in Kira, Wakiso district, on Saturday morning and made off with some of her personal effects.

A senior security officer said “We suspect that they took a flat screen to show that they had accessed the home with no hindrance but it was not a mere robbery. There were very many things like subwoofers, and home theatre but all these were not taken. We thank God that madam remained praying and did not come to check what was happening. We believe she would have been attacked.”

Although earlier reports indicated that the home invaders were repulsed by the security detail on duty at Akullo’s home a few minutes before 4 am, sources now say that the two police officers did not see what happened and were informed about the attack after they had withdrawn from their duty station at around 8 am.


Sources reveal that CCTV cameras captured the intruders scaling the perimeter wall in the cold glare of security lights. Thereupon, they entered Akullo’s home via the kitchen window, while the two police officers were asleep.

It looks like these thugs first surveyed the home and marked the weakest point to access," a source said.

“They even came with a very small person who could fit in the kitchen window and we suspect they had already planned all this. Imagine madam noticed this in the morning when the two police guards had handed over daytime duty to their colleagues. They didn’t hear, see or detect anything as this was happening,” sources said.

Subsequently, the commander SSP Ashraf Chemonges, Kira Road Division police commander Abbas Senyonjo, and Kampala Metropolitan CID commander Bob Kagarura recalled the two police officers back to the scene to explain how the home invasion was successfully conducted in their presence.

“When the two police guards were brought back to the home, they said they didn’t hear or see anything. They all said they were asleep. It is not clear whether they were drowsed or it was connivance. They have been at this place for five months and that time is more than enough to know the strategic points to guard.”


The two police officers were subsequently arrested for their negligence.


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