We'll give you a customised August message depending on how you like your rolex.
First, how big do you want your rolex?
One chapatti
Two chapattis
Three chapattis
Just one
Two eggs
Three or four please
Want anything in your eggs?
Yes, everything
Just onions
Anything raw?
Nyanya mbissi
Everything raw
Would you like a sauce or spread?
No thank you
Tomato ketchup or chilli sauce
Would you like to add any meats?
No, thank you
Beef or Chicken
Sausage or bacon
How cooked do you like your eggs?
A little undercooked for the taste and flavour
Perfectly cooked
A tad burnt and dry
Your rolex is ready. What will you drink it with?
Tea or coffee
An energy drink or soda
Water or juice
Lastly, dessert?
A slice of cake
Some fruits
I'm too full.
Embrace your adventurous spirit this month! Take bold steps towards your dreams, and watch your passion ignite the path to success.
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Let your confidence and leadership skills shine this month. Believe in yourself, and you'll inspire others to follow in your footsteps.
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Embrace your inner strength and intuition. Trust your instincts, and you'll overcome any obstacles that come your way this month.
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