World Economic Forum claims ‘solid, rational reasons’ for microchipping children

The World Economic Forum is trying to set guardrails for the future of augmented reality, and microchipping people is part of its vision for a “brave new world.”

A microchip

Are we moving towards a ‘brave new world’? As scary as chip implants may sound, they form part of a natural evolution that wearables once underwent. Hearing aids or glasses no longer carry a stigma. They are accessories and are even considered a fashion item. Likewise, implants will evolve into a commodity,” reads the August 16 blog post written by Kathleen Philips, vice president of research and development at the Belgium-based Interuniversity Microelectronics Centre.


Philips also claimed there were “solid, rational reasons” – “like safety” and “security” – for implanting “your child” with a tracking chip.

Implants apparently aim to mechanize certain aspects of human physical function, as exemplified by the slogan of Neuralink – described as a “brain-machine” interface to connect “humans and computers.”


The World Economic Forum (WEF) article published on August 16, arbitrarily linked benefits for people with medical conditions. In addition, WEF cultivated the idea of using implants for educational and professional purposes as well. WEF chillingly framed these agenda items under the broad umbrella of providing the “right support and vision” for the future of augmented reality.

WEF gave readers the hard sell through a Jedi mind-trick that positioned implants as being no greater of a health threat than prescription drugs:

“If the idea of a chip in your body makes you cringe, consider all the pharmaceuticals you take without question. The ‘Cradle to Grave’ art installation in the British museum confronts us visually with our pill-popping behaviour. It displays a 13-m long fabric interwoven with 14,000 pills, the estimated average prescribed to a British person in a lifetime. Around 65% of American children and teens with ADHD, meanwhile, are prescribed stimulant medication.”

Is it safe and secure to plug “your child” into a computerized machine grid? The concept seems problematic.

In May 2020, Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu suggested that microchipping everyone, beginning with children returning to school and kindergarten as one of the ways to fight the coronavirus. He added that the chip would sound an alarm whenever anyone gets too close much as a car does.


Security experts immediately objected on the grounds that microchipping kids was neither legal nor practical; that the children would be at risk from paedophiles if their data leaked to the internet, and that the real issue is enforcement.

Could this be the future of immunisation? Your bet is as good as mine.


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