Ebola cases have drastically gone down - Health Ministry


MOH Public Health Director, Daniel Kyabayinze

According to the Ministry of Health (MOH), Ebola cases have drastically gone down as they have spent close to two weeks without registering a single new case or mortality.


These facts were disclosed by the MOH Public Health Director, Daniel Kyabayinze, during an appearance on today's NTV morning broadcast, ‘Morning at NTV’.

Kyabayinze made these comments while discussing the impact of the ongoing health crises the country is facing on the social behaviors of people.

He further disclosed that the rapture of Covid-19 as a pandemic and Ebola as an epidemic have completely changed the mood of life and drifted social behavior.


Kyabayinze notes that Ebola has influenced people’s health practices such as being more intentional about washing hands and the compromising of detrimental social practices such as hugging and shaking hands.

Kyabayinze notes that cases are decreasing because of how effectively the ministry communicated the need for people to get vaccinated.

On this note, he thanked organizations such as Amref Health, USAID and UNICEF for not only assisting the ministry but also working relentlessly to sensitize people on Covid-19 and Ebola, offering people free Covid-19 vaccination as well.

Amref Health has been one of the outstanding champions in the fights against Covid-19 and Ebola, instilling multiple preventive measures cum campaigns such as hand-washing and proper usage of toilet facilities.

According to Kyabayinze, the Ministry of Health has vaccinated close to 26.8 million people.


This implies that about 82% of adults in Kampala have received the jab and confirms that most people are willing to be vaccinated.

It is on this note that he cautioned unvaccinated people above 50 for being in grave danger for not vaccinating.

He noted that the MOH encourages people to adhere to the changing health environment if the country is to have a normal Christmas season.

He sent out this cautionary measure in fear of the government disrupting Christmas with regulations if people do not adhere to measures set in place to fight Ebola and Covid-19.



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