23+ motivational, inspirational, pieces of advice, and reminders to live by

Good advice, motivation, inspiration, and reminders are rare to find, hard to live by and easy to forget. Sometimes we need someone to tell us what we want to hear. Other times we need someone to tell us what we don't want to hear but need to. Either way, there's a lot of bad advice and ill-intentioned minds out there that may harm us more than help. That's why we have curated this list of motivational, inspirational, pieces of advice, and reminders that you can always come back to when you need emotional or mental support in life.

23+ motivational, inspirational, pieces of advice, and reminders to live by/Pixabay

Even the most good-intentioned advice can be bad for you. That is why you may need various options from a trusted and impartial source to find what works for you. Give yourself an edge in your life with these 25 motivational, inspirational, pieces of advice, and reminders to live by.


When you know your environment or a skill, it can help you make the most of it for yourself and others. The same thing applies to knowing yourself. When you know who you are, you can be wise about your goals, your dreams, your standards, and your convictions. This allows you to live with purpose and meaning.


Big results don't come from wide focus but focusing on small things can give the most significant success. Find your focus point which promises big wins in everything you do. Wide focus can lead to overwhelm, fatigue, and giving up quickly.

Concentrate on showing up fully with your best in the present moment. Don't dwell on the negative past or wishful thinking about the future. The best moments compound into a new great past and an assured successful future.


When you don't know a situation fully, you cannot give an informed opinion or reaction.

Life is a series of overcoming and accomplishing. You need patience and persistence in either circumstance.


In order to get, you have to give. If you show up with your time, effort, skills, support, guidance, and leadership for others and make contributions to lives, you will reap the best rewards.

Luck, in its true essence, may not happen. But when hard work, opportunity and talent collide, it can look like the best luck.


There are no day-offs from being the best of yourself you can be. You never know what opportunity or rewards will come your way.

It is hard to live without idols or mentors or some people we want to impress. But those are likely to bring out the best in us. However, trying to impress everyone may not work in your best interest at all.


Situations that invoke fear in us can be the situations in which we shed our fear. Sometimes the thing you need for your growth is the one thing you are most afraid of.

Learning isn't always positive. Sometimes we learn negative things from people or about people. Either way, it is through listening that we can learn what we need or don't need in our lives. Don't just listen to what people say, listen to who is saying what you are hearing.


Life is good from different perspectives. If you look for fairness, it will have changed by the time you find it. Find your share of joy and goodness wherever you are.

It is not about what you do, but what you learn, experience, and reap from what you do. Don't let tasks define you so that you don't put yourself above or below anyone or anything.


While this shouldn't deter you from pursuing the things you want, you should always find other rewards in experiences and pursuits. Even when they are not what you wanted, but may need.


Don't make emotional decisions, whether positive or negative. The best decisions are made with a clear conscious mind. Emotions, positive and negative, change all the time and may leave you feeling regret and uncertainty when they fade.

Don't live for others. Your personality should be sober and uninfluenced by comparison and what others think, feel, or do. Pursue your desires, find your comfort, be proud, be confident, and be memorable.


Don't suffer your challenges, find opportunities in every hardship. Whether it is self-knowledge, self-improvement, conquering a fear, or learning a skill, each loss has an opportunity, and every adversity leads to new possibilities.

By doing the right thing, you gain strength of character. Strength of character leads us to do the right thing even when easier options exist.

Even the best idea will remain a dream without action.


Do right by yourself and others. Do your best for yourself and others.


The only 100 per cent failure in any pursuit is quitting. Fatigue, discomfort, and discouragement are only symptoms of effort.

Trust your gut feeling, it can never let you down. Self-doubt only wins when you ignore your instincts, and it only grows with every doubt you accept.

It doesn't have to be something big or life-changing. But every time you satisfy your curiosity is a valuable moment. Have the mindset of a student, never think you are too old to ask questions or know too much to learn something new.


Instead of thinking about what looks good, or what is profitable, think about what is true and valuable.

Believe in your goodness, talent, skills, and experience, because the way you see yourself is the way you will treat yourself. The way you treat yourself is what you eventually become.


The best advice is the advice lived and experienced, otherwise, it doesn't matter. Sometimes we get excellent advice but we forget to take it in. You can revisit this list whenever you need to and don't forget to share it.


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