Oil splatter burns and onion stings are some of the most common and painful kitchen experiences. Vyroota found himself on the receiving end of the latter when he was attempting to make some eggs.
Singer Vyroota dissolved into an onion ballad accompanied by the strings of a guitar when frying eggs took a turn for the worst. The singer, who couldn't stop the onion sting, alternates between chopping and singing about the experience. The hilarious video however points out a kitchen mishap that we often suffer. So let's look at some ways to prevent onion stings.
With the eggs already broken on a plate, and the tomato waiting to be cut, Vyroota took a break to compose a song about the unforgiving sting with tears in his eyes.
A friend plays the guitar in the background of the video as the singer juggles singing and chopping the onion for about two minutes. However, he was making some mistakes that we all usually make when cutting onions which makes the sting worse.
Kitchen mistakes that make onion stinging worse
Incessant chopping
The kind of chopping style the singer was using is one surefire way to make the sting worse. When we cut into the onion, it damages the onion skin. When this damage occurs, it converts the sulfoxide in the onion into a stinging chemical and this is why onions make you cry. This chemical wafts into the air and eventually your eyes which produce tears to wash the chemical away.
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This means the more chopping you do, the more chemical you release into the air and the longer your eyes are going to burn. Although a super sharp knife doesn't guarantee the absence of burning, it is admittedly less damage than a blunt knife.
How to stop onions from burning your eyes
All the proven ways to cut an onion without crying are centred around preventing the conversion of sulfoxide into the sting chemical.
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- Freeze the onion. Stick a peeled onion in the freezer and let the cold penetrate the layers.
- Soak the onion in cold water but decrease the speed of chopping to protect your fingers!
- Use a super sharp knife.
- Cutting under a kitchen vent/fan. This will push the sulfur-laced air away from your eyes. Combine this technique with freezing the onion, and you will never shed a tear ever again.