Kato Lubwama tentative funeral program out

Friends, family and colleagues of fallen former Rubaga South MP Kato Lubwama have converged at the National Theater to start preparing for a proper send off of the fallen dramatist, comedian and showrunner.

Hon Muhammad Nsereko announced the tentative funeral for the late Kato Lubwama

By Wednesday afternoon, following his sudden death in the morning hours, the family of the deceased had confirmed that they were to honor his wish for a week-long funeral program.


Speaking to reporters, Lubwama’s best friend and Kampala Central MP, Hon Muhammad Nsereko revealed the tentative funeral program.

The body, he said is expected to be brought from his home to the National Theater, also known as the Artists’ Parliament, where it will spend the next seven days and nights as per Lubwama’s wish.

The body will be here for all the artists to pay tribute to him. We are inviting everyone, all the members of the public. We have also extended an invitation to some distinguished guests to come and be with us,” Nsereko said.


Those who have anything to say about the life of Lubwama were invited to use this opportunity, as the will be no such space at the burial next week.

At the National Theatre, several artists and politicians had started to converge by Wednesday afternoon to prepare for the funeral program.

Some of the MPs at the scene included Hon Ssewanyana, Muhammad Ssegirinya, Hon David Kalwanga Lukyamuzi, David Serukenya among others.

Nsereko said they were also expecting the Speaker of Parliament Anita Among, and her deputy Thomas Tayebwa.

Burial, according to Nsereko, is expected to take place on Wednesday, June 14 at Lubwama’s ancestral home in Nkozi, where he will be laid to rest, next to his father.



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