I cannot follow Bobi Wine if his focus is on elections - Besigye

Dr Kizza Besigye has said that his support for Bobi Wine as the main challenger of President Yoweri Museveni is conditioned on his tactics.

Dr Kizza Besigye and Bobi Wine
  • Besigye's support for Bobi Wine is conditioned on whether he leads the opposition to fight or through election processes
  • Besigye believes it is not possible to unseat President Museveni through polls, citing historical examples
  • Bobi Wine plans to challenge Museveni in the 2026 elections and is committed to opposing the regime using moral and constitutional means

The former FDC President says he cannot get behind Bobi Wine if his interest is defeating Museveni through an election.

If Hon Kyagulanyi is leading us tomorrow to a fight, I will be behind him. But if he is leading us to Byabakama (Electoral Commission Chairman), that is where I have an issue,” he remarked.

Besigye, who challenged Museveni in four elections, believes it is not possible to unseat the 79-year-old through polls.


Which president have we had here that was removed through an election?” Besigye queried while appearing on a political talk show.

“Some people think that we who have been fighting the government are getting weaker and the government itself is getting stronger, but that is not the case. Museveni knows that through our efforts and pressures, we have weakened him.”

Bobi Wine announced early this year that he will challenge Museveni in another race come 2026.


"We will continue to challenge General Museveni through every available moral and constitutional means. By 2026, if we haven't removed him from power, we will challenge him to a free and fair election," he declared.

Despite acknowledging the risks associated with challenging a long-standing incumbent, Kyagulanyi said he remains resolute in his mission.

He said he is committed to opposing Museveni's regime using moral and constitutional avenues and aims to gain international attention and support to help the people of Uganda assert their democratic rights.


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