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8 signs your woman is more experienced sexually and how to handle it

Sexual experience has little to do with how many partners someone has had.

signs she's more experienced (and how to handle it/Pexels/Davd kuko

In reality, it is hard to tell whether someone has had many sexual partners. But most importantly, it shouldn't matter. Your current connection matters more than any previous sexual encounters. She may have been with one sexual partner long-term and show more sexual experience than someone who has slept with a couple of people.

The bottom line is that experience has a lot to do with her attitude towards sex. Now, this may cause friction, especially during the initial stages of a relationship. So, how do you handle her being more experienced and what are the signs she is?


Although exploring can be fun, one of the signs of a sexually experienced woman is knowing what she likes and what works for her. Being wild in the bedroom or a vixen is always a sign of this self-knowledge about preferences. Follow her lead on this one, exploration and showing your prowess can come as the relationship progresses.

The sexual journey for both sexes involves figuring out what to do with parts they are not used to. A sexually experienced woman will be more confident when touching you and not just there. She exudes confidence with physical touch and physical intimacy.


Just as she will tell you what she likes, an experienced woman will let you know when she doesn't, too.

Positive feedback is easier to give but negative feedback requires a bit of finesse, especially on such a sensitive topic. An experienced woman will give you constructive feedback, explaining why and ways to adjust.

She shows a more effortless and happy attitude towards transition in sexual positions. This is not about taking over, but about confidently taking control when she wants or needs to.


With experiences and self-knowledge comes firm boundaries. An experienced woman isn't afraid of saying no to what she doesn't want to do. She won't feel obliged to indulge in things you suggest when she doesn't want to. Manipulation and pressure, which shouldn't be happening anyway, will not work. But this is a positive thing for your sex life because you are free to ask her what she likes and doesn't without feeling uncomfortable or guilty.

Laughter in the bedroom is tricky and navigating it well may not come naturally or easily. Nervous laughter, for example, can kill the mood as it reflects your discomfort. The reality of physical intimacy is a lot less seamless than the movies show. Awkward moments are bound to happen at some point and when they do, the ability to laugh them off is a big indicator of experience.

A sexually experienced woman knows how and when to take responsibility for her own pleasure. She knows her body, her mind and makes sure to get her needs met. This could mean offering ideas about what to do in bed and when it comes down to it, she isn't afraid to put her pleasure before yours.


Sex comes with a couple of adult responsibilities. A big percentage of those responsibilities is sexual and reproductive health. This includes the risk of pregnancy and STIs. A sexually experienced woman knows this responsibility and isn't awkward about discussing contraception or using protection. This maturity will show in her language around sex, and attitude about differences (preference).


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