Other important places to be naked with your partner

Naked time with your spouse holds only good promises of love-making, showers that are said to save water, sleeping, and cuddling, among other feel-good moments.

Courtesy Tawanda Melvin

Getting naked implies being vulnerable with someone which is usually a spouse. We trust them with our insecurities and imperfections and they in turn gaze upon us like we are constellations of human beauty.


Physical vulnerability is common in relationships and is highly prized. But that is only part of the intimacy circle that completes healthy relationships. That's right, we are talking about other places you can be vulnerable with your partner and enjoy a deeper and richer connection.

Read on for other ways to get naked with him/her.


Experiential intimacy has to do with experiences shared with a spouse. Different experiences bring out different sides of us. For example, you might be a sore loser when it comes to board games or an impatient person when it comes to traveling, etc. Sharing experiences can bring you closer in positive ways and also help you understand each other better.

It can be cooking, booking a trip, folding clothes, sports, or getting into a new hobby together.

Emotional intimacy grows with practice. This includes our capacity to know, understand and accept ourselves and our partners. It grows and blossoms through sharing feelings, disclosing needs, and fears, listening, curiosity, and being receptive.


You probably enjoy a good debate in social media groups or intellectual experiences with friends and colleagues. Connect with your spouse on that level by engaging in meaningful conversations on various topics, respectfully challenging one another, and discussing a book or podcast, or documentary.

Be open to learning from your partner, be willing to ask questions, and communicate over shared social interests, events, or educational experiences. Intellectual intimacy can also be expressed through creating and setting goals together and sharing hopes.


Explore spiritual practices, religious beliefs, ideas, and values with him/her. This can be through prayer, meditation, and practicing mindfulness, the point is to be open-minded and willing to share that side of yourself with your partner.

Vulnerability has many faces in a relationship but they all have to do with getting real and showing up as who you are and who you are becoming. Physical vulnerability is a big part of relationships but there are many ways to enjoy that vulnerability in other aspects of the relationship and individual life.


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