Why A Pass gives his feet ice baths

Pampering and self-care have become multi-faceted in this day and age. When it comes to physical wellness, it is not always warm spa treats and sweaty workouts. It involves recovery processes which include cold treats among which are ice baths. As a physical wellness fan in recent times, singer A Pass recently treated his feet to an ice bath. Let's look at why this concept of physical wellness is essential.

Ice baths are a great way to wait for the body to recover/Instagram

The concept of ice baths has gained popularity as a recovery method for those who work out. It involves immersing the body or parts of the body in cold water south of 20 degrees Celsius (10 to 15).


According to ice bath fans, the method helps reduce inflammation, relieve muscle aches and pains, boost muscle recovery, improve overall physical performance and boost mood.

However, ice baths are not only for physical fitness. As a performer, A Pass may also use ice baths to reduce the effects of standing for too long. Among all body parts, the feet experience the most fatigue and stress because they are densely covered with nerve endings.


If you spend a lot of time on your feet or need a method for recovery after leg day, here are some benefits you can reap from dipping your feet in an ice bath.

Just as you treat yourself to nice warm comfortable physical self-care, your body may require a cold touch from time to time to get it back in shape.

Eastern medicine suggests that treating feet with ice water helps to reduce pain and swelling by reducing blood flow which decreases inflammation and painful nerve activity. This is especially true for sprained ankles and other types of foot injuries.

Of course, you should combine ice bath treatment with other treatments like heat therapy or seek professional help.


Microtrauma may be small and not too bothersome but over time it compounds into real risks. This is especially true after tough workouts and standing for extended periods. According to Personal Trainer Richie Norton told TheIceBath, "Intense exercise causes microtrauma, tiny tears in muscle fibres. This process stimulates muscle cell activity to repair damage and strengthen the muscle. This is why you may feel sore days after a workout. The cold water helps reduce inflammation, decreases metabolic activity, and reduces swelling. It also helps flush out waste products. A chilly bath also boosts circulation, helping the body to heal itself faster."


The cold environment around your feet forces blood vessels to constrict thereby reducing swelling. After a vigorous workout, the cold will improve blood flow in the feet speeding up the healing process and reducing swelling. Over time, by using ice baths regularly, circulation will improve.

Studies have also shown that ice baths improve your sleep, which can boost your immune system and promote better mental health.

When using them for recovery, make sure you are not using ice baths for intense pain. They can slow down the healing process.

As a performer, social figure and someone who works out a lot like A Pass, ice baths can be highly replenishing for the body.


From reducing pain, swelling, inflammation, and soreness, and improving circulation, ice baths are essential in body recovery from physical stress. However, consult a professional or licensed trainer before using them for recovery.


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