Barugahara, who has organised multiple shows that both celebrated crooners have performed at, was responding to a tweet by Deputy Speaker Thomas Tayebwa who went on defense after tweeps took aim at him for showing interest in music battles, claiming there are more urgent concerns.
Events promoter Balaam Barugahara confirmed plans for a music battle between Jose Chameleone and Bebe Cool.
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Tweeted Tayebwa: "Reading through the comments on my suggestion for a battle between @BebeCoolUG and [Jose Chameleone], I am surprised at how some Ugandans can think that because one occupies a critical position in government, he/she should be like a robot without a life and empathy. To say there are more important things to do than promoting the music industry is a clear indication of the neglect, stigmatisation, and a lack of understanding of what this sector contributes to our GDP. The global creative industry, according to Goldman Saachs is worth over $150bn.
"The Uganda Performance Rights Society estimates this industry to employ over 500,000 people by 2030 with revenues of Ugx 280bn. Currently, it contributes Ugx140bn to our economy. It stimulates our tourism sector with global stars such as @eddykenzoficial, @ghettokidsug among others, selling Uganda to the world. As leaders, we can not ignore such a sector. It needs a lot of support ranging from legal reforms to deliberate economic interventions. Moreover, music heals and some of us seek refugee in it when the going gets tough. LET THE BATTLES GO ON!"
Barugahara responded to Tayebwa's tweet: "Rt Hon @Thomas_Tayebwa[,] ignore[,] the battle is Loading."
Both Chameleone and Bebe Cool have agreed to the battle.