Falling in love is a deal breaker for most casual relationships. Some people never have to worry about it while others cannot keep their love out for long.
Sometimes they evolve into something more. But typically, when one person catches feelings, the reactions range from distancing themselves to cutting communication and ending the relationship.
If you want your casual relationship to turn into dating or a relationship because you have feeling for them.
Here's how to ask for more.
Be willing to walk away
Once you are sure of what you want and communicate it, be willing to walk away if it is not granted. Tell him you are ready to get serious and will start looking for a serious relationship. End the casual relationship without the possibility of friendship either.
Showing him your boundaries and willingness to let him out of your life will force him to see you and his feelings, if any, about you in a new light.
Start dating
Mention that you are going to start dating other people. Watch for his reaction when you tell him. It might clue you in about his feelings. Once he is faced with the possiblity of losing you to someone else, he will be forced to make a decision on whether he wants to commit to you.
If your feelings are reciprocated, he might get jealous or start competing for you.
Don't make "empty promises". Start going on dates and give your dates the same treatment to your boundaries.
Whether he realises his feelings for you or not, you will be having fun with potential partners who are looking for the same thing as you are.
Don't compromise
Falling in love or catching feelings is not a crime. You shouldn't feel guilty or ashamed if it happens. Therefore don't stick around because you think it is your fault and you can't do anything about it.
In fact, when you catch feelings it is a sign that your values have changed for the better. So don't devalue your feelings, and consequently yourself.
If they can't give you what you want, you can find fulfillment elsewhere.