KCCA cleaners storm Parliament over non-payment

Hundreds of KCCA employees working as road cleaners, on Thursday marched to the gates of parliament in protest over delayed payment of their wages.

Speaker Anitah Among listening to the protesting city cleaners

The cleaners, branding placards with protest messages, arrived at the Parliament’s main gate and demanded to meet with House Speaker Anita Among.


These claim to have missed their payment for the last five months. Others said they had been unfairly terminated by the City Authority.

After facing off with Parliamentary security for several minutes, the protesters broke into celebration as Speaker Among emerged from the chamber to meet them.


Among was flanked by several members of Parliament from Kampala including Muhammad Nsereko of Kampala Central and Allan Ssewanyana of Makindye.

Upon listening to their grievances, the speaker called for a meeting on Tuesday next week with all stakeholders, to conclusively resolve the grievances.

Earlier yesterday, Among had directed the minister for Kampala Keefa Kyofatogabye to address the cleaner’s grievances.

At the start of this week, the cleaners stormed the KCCA offices at City Hall, demanding their payments.


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