3 siblings suffocate to death inside the car their father borrowed

Their father, who’s a salon operator, reportedly borrowed the car which killed the three children from his sister.

The father of the deceased has gone into hiding since the tragic incide occurred [Guardian]

The three kids, including two girls and a boy, died in the car as their mother stepped out to buy the noodles, which they intended to take to school the following day.

It was gathered that on Monday, February 26, police operatives visited the residence at No. 8, Boluke Lane, Sango-Kulende quarters of the Ilorin metropolis where the three siblings had reportedly died in the said car on a fact-finding mission.

However, they could not gain entry into the building as the gate was under lock and key and nobody was around to welcome them.


The police operatives then proceeded to the family house of the late siblings mother identified as Shade Silifat at Ile Magaji, Taiwo Isale road, Ilorin, where she was recuperating after the incident.

She was reported to have fainted as a result of shock on hearing her children’s tragic death after returning from the shop where she went to buy the noodles on Sunday.

It was gathered that the police operatives questioned the mother for not reporting the matter officially to the Police.

According to a source close to the woman, the family intended to settle the matter internally, before the police waded into the matter as Kwara State Police Commissioner, Victor Olaiya directed a discreet investigation in the bid to get to the root of the matter.

Meanwhile, the landlord of the residence where the siblings died, had reportedly issued quit notice to their father, identified as Abdulkadir Jimoh, who was said to have gone into hiding since the tragic incident occurred.


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