The transformative power of mentorship at Next Media

As the Chief People and Culture Officer at Next Media, I am often asked about the secret to our organization's success. The answer is simple: our people. We have a team of talented, dedicated individuals passionate about their work. But what really sets us apart is our commitment to mentorship.

Lilian Mutesi, Next Media Chief People and Culture Officer

Mentorship has been a cornerstone of our company culture since its inception. We believe everyone has the potential to be great, and we want to provide our employees with the support they need to reach their full potential. Our CEO Executive mentorship program is a testament to this belief.


The program is designed to connect our high-potential employees with our Group CEO, a visionary leader whose influence extends beyond the boardroom, and other mentors, coaches, and leaders with a brock to add to their growth.

Through this program, our mentees can learn from vast experience and expertise. I'm a product of this initiative, having grown through the ranks to become the Chief People and Culture Officer.

However, the benefits of mentorship extend far beyond the individual. Our entire organization has benefited from the culture of learning and growth created by the program. We are more collaborative, more creative, and more resilient. Here's how;


The CEO Executive mentorship program is not merely a training exercise but a strategic investment in the future of Next Media. By cultivating a deep understanding of strategic thinking, decision-making processes, and leadership philosophy, the program empowers mentees to become catalysts for organizational growth. By nurturing a cadre of future leaders, the program ensures that the company's growth trajectory remains steadfast despite ever-changing industry dynamics.

At the heart of Next Media lies a deep-rooted belief in the power of people as one of our core values. The CEO Executive mentorship program embodies this belief, providing a nurturing environment where individuals can identify their unique strengths, align their passions with professional aspirations, and embark on personal and professional growth journeys.

Like Oprah Winfrey, whose mentorship under Barbara Walters shaped her meteoric rise into media mogul, the CEO Executive mentorship program mentees are empowered to embrace their potential and leave an indelible mark on the industry.


Collaboration is not just a buzzword; it is the lifeblood of innovation. Mentorship recognizes the power of shared goals, open communication channels, and a collaborative ethos that transcends departmental boundaries. Mentees learn to value diverse perspectives, work seamlessly across teams, and harness the collective talents of their peers to achieve remarkable results; remember, teamwork creates the winning team.

I have witnessed firsthand the transformative impact of this mentorship program. It is not just about imparting knowledge; it is about shaping mindsets, fostering a culture of continuous learning, and igniting a passion for excellence.

Through my interactions with mentees, I have been inspired by their dedication, willingness to embrace new challenges, commitment to the company's success, and willingness to transform Uganda through their work.

Their growth journeys are a testament to the power of mentorship, and they fill me with immense optimism for the future of Next Media and Uganda.


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