This year’s lecture is being held at the UMA showground on Wednesday, December 6, under the theme; ‘The Power of Synergies.”
The Insurance Training College (ITC) is set to hold the 6th annual John Ssebaana Kizito memorial lecture to celebrate and reflect on the life and legacy of the former Kampala Mayor.
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Sylvia Mwebesa Kajubi, the Deputy Principal ITC told the press that the lecture, which will be delivered by Abel Mwesigye, the CEO KACITA, will focus on the role of insurance on small and medium enterprises in Uganda.
The memorial lecture is being organized in partnership with the Federation of Small and Medium Enterprises Uganda and Statewide Insurance Co Ltd (SWICO).
“We are focusing on how insurance can help an SME leverage on their profit-making,” she said.
“As ITC we have realised and we want to put into emphasis, working together with different players in different sectors to try and demystify this concept of insurance and allow the public to appreciate and understand its benefits.”
The late Ssebaana Kizito, who served twice as the Mayor of Kampala and President of the opposition Democratic Party, died in July 2017.
He was among the founders of the leading insurance company SWICO.
John Walugembe, the FSME executive director said, “As SMEs, we look at the late John Ssebaana Kizito as an example of a local entrepreneur who was able to build and grow a local business. Small businesses are keen to study his life and to learn from him.”
On her part, Mrs Evelyn Nkalubo, the CEO of SWICO thanked ITC for immortalizing the late Ssebaana.
“As we remember his remarkable life; let us not merely reflect but commit to embodying his principles,” she said.
The memorial lecture is part of the upcoming ITC Stakeholders Week which will be running from Wednesday, December 6 to 12.
Some of the other activities lined up for the week include the college’s 8th graduation, which is slated for Friday 8, where over 1000 students will be graduating in different fields.
The graduation at Hotel Africana will be presided over by PSST Ramadhan Ggoobi.
The college will on the same day, have its annual end-of-year dinner at Kabira Country Club, to celebrate its achievements through the year.
The following week on December 12, they will be having an HIV awareness campaign where free services will be given to communities.