According to a document released by UNEB, 12.6% of females passed with distinction 2 in English compared to 11.2% of their male counterparts in the same grading.
Under the credit 6 grading, females passed more than males with a 65.4% compared to their male counterparts at 60.4%.
UNEB considers distinction one to be only for exceptional students and therefore its not used when comparing performance of both sexes.
The report however indicated that the reverse is true for all the other subjects were boys out shined their female counterparts. The subjects include: Social Studies and Religious Education, Integrated Science and Mathematics.
In Social Studies and Religious Education, 13.5% males passed with division 2 compared to their female counterparts at 10.9%.
12.4% of males passed with division 2 in the Integrated Science subject compared to their female counterparts at 10.8%.
7.8% of males passed with division 2 in the Mathematics subject compared to their female counterparts at 6.3%
According to UNEB, there was an overall improvement in the general performance of the PLE compared to last year.
According to UNEB, a total of 114,617 (representing 12.1%) passed in division in 2022 compared to 81,864 (representing 11%) in the same division in 2020.
However, it also important to note that there was an increase in the number of candidates who registered for PLE exams.
A total of 832,654 candidates from 14,691 centres registered for the PLE exams in 2022 compared to 749,761 in 2020.