Crafted by Kunda Kids, a renowned children's educational technology and media enterprise, this imaginative 3D animated series is a result of their collaboration with Creatures Animation Studio, heralding a new era of creativity in Uganda's artistic realm.
The long-awaited debut of 'Kunda & Friends' is poised to transform the landscape of kids' entertainment.
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The grand premiere of 'Kunda & Pals' is scheduled for Sunday, April 7 at Century Cinema Arena Mall. Beyond mere amusement, this series embodies traditional African narratives that encapsulate African principles and life experiences.
Boasting a lively soundtrack merging Afrobeats, Amapiano, and Reggae, 'Kunda & Friends' advocates themes of camaraderie, interconnection, and holistic well-being while imparting valuable educational content.
Ray Malinga, an esteemed Disney director with an Annie Award and co-founder of Creatures Animation Studio, spearheads this groundbreaking initiative. His expertise and ingenuity breathe life into 'Kunda & Pals'.
"We take immense pride in unveiling 'Kunda & Friends' to Uganda," exclaimed Louisa Kiwana Olafuyi, co-founder of Kunda Kids. "This series is a testament to Africa's boundless creativity, talent, and narratives. We are thrilled to present these captivating tales to Ugandan kids and children globally, nurturing a sense of pride and connection to our vibrant heritage."
By showcasing relatable characters and narratives steeped in African traditions, 'Kunda & Friends' strives to entertain and enlighten children, celebrating Africa's rich diversity and inspiring the forthcoming generation of global citizens.