WhatsApp unread chats: How to break this habit

Accumulating unread chats on WhatsApp can be stressful and detrimental to relations. Here's how to change things for better communication.

WhatsApp unread messages: How to break this habit

The world record for #Most Unread WhatsApp Messages, as of 2018, is held by Abdu Nasar Paravakkal who had 654,321 Unread Messages on WhatsApp.


According to a poll on iHeart, the average person has 47 unread messages. 56 percent of those are from family and friends, while 44 percent are from companies, brands, scammers, and groups.

The reasons behind unread messages vary from person to person. It is hard to point out what they are but here are some of them.


Some people are terrible texters and prefer calls or in-personal communication. So they watch statuses and reply to a few people as other chats fall into the background.

Status replies. It can be unrealistic to expect each status reply to be opened especially if it is an emoji or comment.

Some people ignore and forget to open chats because they focus on very few people.

There are some pitfalls to this behaviour including self-proclaimed bad communicators. This label is not only untrue, but it also prohibits establishing proper texting etiquette. t doesn't have to be hard either.

How to improve communication


If you can set a time to reply to certain people, it would create a flow where they know when to expect your reply and when to send a message. It takes the pressure off of you to respond or simply ignore and hope they figure it out.

Chances are the people with unread messages from your end see your statuses. So use that time to reply to them because it lets them know that's when you had a moment to reply. Better late than never.


Not everyone in your inbox has the same hold on your attention. Some chats require replies within a reasonably short time, some can wait until you have time, and others can be handled much later. Categorise your chats in response priorities.

If you don't want unread messages to accumulate, reply with comprehensive texts. Instead of short one-liners, respond with questions, what the conversation is about, and any other information that can help resolve the conversation faster.

A great way to respond to chats is to respond to status updates. It is a great way to start a conversation after a period of not responding. However, make sure it is genuine.


You can audio call or video call if texting gives you a hard time. Depending on the matter and the person, you and the other person may appreciate it.

WhatsApp messages can grow beyond our capacity to respond. It is upon us to adjust our communication to cater to those we care about. There are many ways to communicate on the app to make communication better.


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