Massage parlours to be gazetted – Aids Commission

The Uganda Aids Commission (UAC) has revealed that Government will gazette all massage parlours, bars, lodges and hotels as hotspots for HIV/AIDs transmission.

A woman being worked on at a massage parlour

This was revealed by Dr. Shaban Mugerwa, the equity plan coordinator UAC, who, during an interview with the Daily Monitor, said transactional sex in the above-mentioned areas was becoming common, and that gazetting them would enable Government appropriate HIV/AIDs prevention methods.


Most massage parlours have been turned into sex hubs to the extent that men who you get out of the parlours without getting horny after being massaged by beautiful girls are regarded as not being man enough,” he said.

He added: “We are going to have conversations with managers and policy makers to allow us gazette massage parlours and other social venues as hotspots for HIV. It is something we have always known but had not taken effort to do it as experts.”

Mugerwa further revealed that once the places are gazetted, Government would appropriate HIV/AIDs prevention services such as testing and counselling, condom use among others with hope that people would limit risking their lives.


During the World Aids day last year, the World Health Organisation (WHO) warned that millions of lives were at risk due to stalled progress towards HIV goals and shrinking resources.

In a statement, tWHO said division, disparity, and disregard for human rights are among the failures that allowed HIV to become and remain a global health crisis, putting the HIV response in danger.

The world health body also called for equal access to essential HIV services, particularly for children and people in prisons.

Persistent economic, social, cultural and legal inequalities and challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic and other global crisis requires renewed efforts to maintain visibility for HIV and to end AIDS as a public health threat,” the statement read in part.


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