7 situations when you should avoid a spa treatment

There are massage contraindications that make you vulnerable to more harm on a spa day. Here are seven of them.

Courtesy: Iberostarhotelsandresort

In massage therapy, there are conditions that would make you unfit for massage care. Spending a day at the spa can be the most relaxing thing to think about and do. But if you have any of these symptoms, consider skipping spa day.


Some of the conditions that would make you unfit for massage are obvious like open wounds, bruises, varicose veins, broken bones, burns, and some skin conditions. The masseuse may work around them or not work on you at all. You should also stay away from the sauna if you are in any of those conditions.

Some conditions are, however, more specific and a massage may make them worse. Here are seven of them.


Whether your fever is from a cold, flu, or another infection, you should not get a massage. If it is accompanied by muscle aches, it can be tempting to get relief through massaging but that will increase circulation and aggravate the infection and the fever.

You put other people and your masseuse at risk if you have a contagious disease. Be considerate and stay away until you are better.


Massage can loosen clots setting them free to migrate to high-risk locations like the brain, heart, or lungs. If you have a history of blood clots or have a condition that makes them likely, you should ask for medical permission before getting a massage.

Avoid massages when pregnant, especially in the first trimester. Unless they are trained in prenatal massage, the masseuse will not handle your situation with the care it deserves.

Massage increases blood flow and waste movement in the body. This increases strain on the liver and kidneys if they are not functioning well. In addition, if you suffer from high blood pressure that is not being managed, increased blood flow from massage could cause serious problems for you.


According to Shelbourne Physiotherapy, massage can offer relief from some of the discomforts that come with cancer. However, this should only be done by a professional therapist trained to work with cancer patients. Otherwise, regular massage may cause infection to spread or make other conditions worse.

Get medical attention for inflammation of any kind. Massage of any kind can and will aggravate the affected area and make it worse.


Massage is good for you when you are in optimal health or get a profession for specific conditions. If you are unwell, the body may not take too kindly to being massaged. Get medical permission where necessary.


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