Let's guess when you'll get married

Wondering when you'll get married? I bet I can guess when you'll get married based on how you answer these questions:

Couple at their wedding

How do you feel about PDA (Public Display of Affection)?

Eww, no!
It depends on where we are...
Once in a while is fine.
Love lt!

Are you willing to compromise in a relationship?

Yes, it's only fair.
It depends...
Only if the other person does.

Is it a deal breaker if your friends and family don't like your partner?

Yes, they need to get along.
Just my parents. I don't care about others.
Lol, hell no! Who are they?

Would you say "I love you" first?

Eh, I doubt.

Is it okay for couples to go to bed angry at each other?

No, fights should be resolved before we go to bed.
It depends on the fight.
I think it's not a big deal.

Looks, personality or money?


Would you let your partner have access to your mobile phone?

Hell no! Never!
Only when they ask.
If they give me access to their phone too.
Of course. We should trust each other.

Would you prefer a partner with several similar interests as yourself?

A few similar interests at least
It doesn't really matter
No, I don't want us to have similar interests.

How much do you love cuddling?

We must cuddle at every chance!
I love to cuddle every night
I don't mind cuddling once in a while
I hate cuddling.

Is it a deal breaker if your partner doesn't respond to your texts immediately?

Yes, if we're dating you must respond immediately.
It depends...
No, whatever.
Your score: ASAP!
How are you not married yet? Well, you should be hearing wedding bells anytime now!
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Your score: Not now, but I see a wedding in your near future.
You're somewhat picky, but you can sure sustain a relationship. So hope's not all lost.
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Your score: Maybe in your next life.
Of course you deserve love and all, but the commitment that comes with marriage, nah, you're not built for it.
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